Designing for privacy in Hindi language

Currently, products that have been created for the Indian audience have not been intentionally designed for privacy. The technically-ridden text used in privacy policies are often incomprehensible to laypeople, nor do they communicate value exchange.

Our vision was to create an Indic language resource that designers, product managers and policy teams can use to create better user experiences.

Expert Insights

For this research, language and privacy experts were consulted in order to strengthen the areas of inquiry. We got some key recommendations that shaped our recruitment, prototypes, as well as tested terms.


1. Objectives
Progressively educating users about data use and privacy over time
Communicating value exchange clearly to obtain informed consent
Using transparency around the purpose of data use to build trust
Reassuring users by bringing in familiarity
2. Process
50+ users
who used most of their mobile applications in Hindi and also used Hindi keyboard for typing - were recruited from 7 cities spread across Tier 2 and Tier 3.
5 prototypes
were created to test user experience and comprehension when faced with 9 artefacts.
3 key components
contextual inquiry
users went through “real” experiences, with the help of product prototypes, as we observed their behavior
think aloud
users were asked to speak unfiltered thoughts about the screens presented to them
users had to answer the questions interspersed between screens which helped us understand their level of comprehension
3. Analysis
To sort the tested terms, on the basis of user’s response to the questions asked by the moderator, the users’ responses to assessment questions as well as the qualitative observations of their body language and emotional responses; 6 word categories  were created
easily understood
users are able to comprehend words without effort or time
no recognition
users are not able to relate or misinterpret the word
technical term
needs higher digital literacy/ knowledge building
needs more explanation
or context setting around the word
often skipped
requires more visual prominence - iconography, font weight, colors